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The SILVER Lining :) #repost from The Single Woman

You know what I’m learning? Men come and go, things change, seasons change, people change, hearts break, the truth is sometimes overshadowed by lies, friends let you down, the tears come, the storms beat down, you wake up on the wrong side of the bed, the journey is sometimes lonely, love doesn’t always conquer all, life isn’t always fair, sometimes your bread gets soggy before you’ve finished the sandwich, not every sentence has a period, the road doesn’t always lead home, not all dogs go to heaven, sometimes two wrongs DO make a right, dreams don’t always come true, the sun doesn’t always shine, the movie theater is almost ALWAYS cold, the superhero is only a man in a silly red sheet, and God doesn’t always open a window every time He closes a door…




After every rainstorm, you can find the rainbow…if you look hard enough. 🙂

– Mandy Hale; The Single Woman 😀